Friday, September 25, 2015

how to deal with sick days

I am sick.

I have honest to goodness been feeling it coming for a couple of days now.

But yesterday at work, it hit me. I got really tired and foggy. I had no appetite...THAT NEVER HAPPENS!

This morning I woke up and felt like I was hit by a 2x4.

My head was pounding, still super foggy, sore throat, enlarged glands.

I was going to get a run in today after grocery shopping, but after waking up like I did, I thought, Nope. Not today.

I am trying my best to flush this yuck out of my system.

This morning:

This afternoon:

I am going to continue to rest so I can hopefully feel better this weekend! 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday whatnot's # 13

Wednesday whatnot's are a bunch of things that couldn't possibly amount to a full blog post :) LOL

This is my new afternoon thing: coffee and a mini zucchini bread warmed with a dollop of butter..YUM!! 

P takes cold lunch each day, and I draw a picture one every one of her half strawberry jelly sandwiches. She says she just loves to see it every day. :)  (this is a "drawing" of our family. 

Wednesday, ready to run. Or so I thought.

I thought my outfit was very pretty, purple top, grey capri's, black compression socks and my purple brook's.

Since P has started school I have yet to sit outside on the porch enjoying the beautiful weather. I know it wont be long before the weather changes.

Gorgeous day. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

picture day and only 2 more days

Today is picture day at school. It's totally different from when I was in school, which was just a few years ago (LOL). You do everything on-line. I picked out her background on-line and the package we wanted, on-line. Paid on-line. Totally different form when the envelope would come home your mom would pick the background, mark the package and send in a check. Times are a changing.

Then I went for a walk. I wanted to walk about 5 miles. No running yet, since I am really trying to be good about letting my groin heal. I will try a run on Wednesday which will have given me 7 days of rest. 

Beautiful morning. Great start to the day. And kinda just what I needed. I've been feeling a little crummy the last few days. I'm sure I have a bit of what P has had, it's sorta inevitable. 

My feet or foot: 

The tree farm looked gorgeous this morning:

And on my way back, there was a little fawn, which I think disappeared in the corn before I could get it's picture:

I hope everyone is having a great Monday :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday whatnot's #12

Whatnot's are a bunch of little things that go on, but I wouldn't be able to write a whole blog post about.

Here are a little bit of happenings lately:

So after my half marathon Saturday I've been taking it easy. For a couple reasons, 1) I was sore, I had a fist size knot in my right quad that I was working out on a hourly basis. 2) P was sick and we were all just trying to make the best of it. 3) and this is a BIG one, (lets go back a few weeks) I noticed a few weeks ago i'd "strained" my left groin muscle. It kinda ached when I'd run, but it was bearable (said every runner once or twice in their running career), I didn't really think too much about it, then I ran the 13 miles Saturday and it hurt! Pretty sure I pulled my strained muscle when running that distance. WHICH SUCKS!

I iced my groin muscle Saturday and Sunday but then kinda forgot about it Monday and Tuesday. But remembered quit quickly on my run this morning. (funny thing with this particular pull is it, doesn't hurt when I am not stressing/straining it. I doesn't hurt when I walk or squat or anything like that, which is why I think I kinda forgot about it this morning.)

OUCH!! (Wednesday morning run)

I haven't found much about stretching my groin it's mainly icing and rest.

So I'm off running for a few days.

So anyways... back to whatnot's. Sunday P was craving a smoothie after being sick and I feel like dabbling as well :)

Sunday night I poured myself a drink in anticipation for the up coming week:  (Malibu and OJ even though it's way better with pineapple juice.)

I went on a baking spree Monday: I made apple (from my backyard apple trees) and pears crisp.

Me just hanging out on a Wednesday:

What is your Wednesday whatnot?! PLEASE SHARE!! :) 

Monday, September 14, 2015

a whole new week

This morning it was day 5 of kindergarten, still not easier. And after this weekend and being sick, it was sad. She was crying from the car to the front door, it was sad.

I went for a long walk. I needed to get my body moving, as I am still sore from Saturday's half marathon. 

I walked 6 miles. It was nice and refreshing. 

This morning was beautiful. Crisp 50* temperatures. 


I zoned out and listened to Ginger Runner. He has a fun episode on with a bunch of elite runners. I loved it!! :) I also loved that they were talking about rest days and taking it easy. I would have loved to run, but I didn't totally have a desire to. I wanted to stretch my legs and not be cooped up in the house anymore and a long walk was totally the ticket! 

I do have plans however to run Wednesday and maybe some trails on Friday :)!! 

Also I am looking into a 1/2 trail marathon next year... sounds pretty cool, huh?! 

Now off to baking. I'm going to make more zucchini mini muffins (GF obvi), and I'd love to make an apple crisp because our apple tree's are going banana's in the backyard! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and a great week!! 

*How was your weekend?
*What do you listen to when running or just wanting to zone out?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

two years ago it was a 5k today it was a half marathon!

Above sentence says it all. 2 years ago I ran my first 5k. It was the reason I started to run. In June of 2013 I was bored with my workout routine and needed the rest of the baby weight gone! (my baby was 3 yrs old).  I ran my race and it was the hardest thing I had ever done, beside giving birth, of course.

Today on the anniversary of my first 5k and also on the day the race is held in the downtown area I decided I would run my first half marathon. I didn't sign up for the race because to be quit honest I didn't want to pay to run. I had wasted my entry fee on the Ultra and felt selfish spending more money. So I mapped out a 13.1 mile route on the RT.

Pre "race" smiles. It was cold in Mi this morning. like 42* cold. I wore a running skirt, compression socks, a tank top under a long sleeve tech shirt. I brought gloves, but did't end up wearing them. I listened to Ginger Runner live from mile 1-10. Then switched to music from 10-13.1.

I saw these clouds rolling in and got worried because there was no rain in the forecast. 

Then I got rained on, three times to be exact.

My run felt good. It felt really good from miles 1-10. But my turn around to finish 10-13.1 was brutal. I was running on empty. I ate dried mango's at mile 7. Then at mile 10 I tried an applesauce (squeeze pack). But I could not get my energy level up! Then my left groin began to really scream. This area has been bugging me for a week or so but I haven't put much time or thought into. But's all I could think of. 

I didn't take an after photo, but got this beauty. 

I came home to an eerily quiet house. I said hello twice with no answer. I walked in and saw both P and the hubs in the bathroom, P was head deep in the potty and the hubs was holding her hair. She'd been sick at least once since I'd left at 7:00 am. (where she was perfectly healthy, except for a sore throat). Oh boy!

I felt terrible because still with no energy I could not form a thought of what I should do. The nice thing is the hubs is totally capable of taking care of P when she is sick, with me working every other weekend he's had to step in more than once. (what a guy!)

I took a hot shower, because I was chilled to the bone. When I came out P was on the sofa, seeming more content. 

I rolled and stretched and grabbed a cup of coffee. my main area of soreness was my left groin. 

P wanted some orange juice (and timbits which I think she thought she would like eventually)  so I went to the store, on my way out the hubs mentioned he would love some beer. Gotta make everyone happy. 

P fell asleep and I started an ice bath

I made it calf deep and it's all I could bare. After being so cold outside, I just couldn't. I knew it would be super beneficial but it just wasn't happening. 

So I put on another sweatshirt and took a nap with my little girl on the sofa. 

Overall, SUPER proud of myself with my longest distance to date :) 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday's happenings

Kindergarten is still not going well.

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best: as my mother-in-law has been asking) today's drop off was a 1. Like a leave her crying in her class line bad. It's just bad.

According to the teacher she is just fine. No crying during the day. She is happy, playful and a joy to have in class. Tell me something I don't know. I want to figure out why I am leaving an emotional wreck when I leave. :( ugh.

So I did my Friday normal, ie grocery shopping. I had to later return to the store because my NUUN tabs were no where to be found and I am running 13.1 miles tomorrow, so yeah I'm gunna need those :)

After dropping of groceries I went for a walk. I did an easy 3 mile walk. That is 1) because of tomorrow's said 13.1 miles and 2) yesterday's hard workout of 1 hr on the elliptical and then a brisk 5 mile walk, I am sore today! Last night my hips were killing me. So I took it easy, I'm proud of myself that I still made it out the door and onto the rail trail.
p.s sorry for how tired and rough looking I appear, crying because your kid is crying will do that :(
p.p.s it's high 50*'s today hence the light jacket.

I got this flag because it seemed appropriate for today. Can't believe it's been 14 years. 

When I was back home from my walk I stretched. These are such great stretches. Love when I can really feel it working. Plus I've been stretching my toes, the area from toes to foot feels soooo good to stretch. I usually do it in the shower, feels extra good in warm water I guess :)

Maybe this should be my new work space, a girl can wish.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. My weekend will consist of a TON of family time and 13.1 miles! :) 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

when someone you loves is struggling you struggle

The second day of school was hard.

Like really hard.

I left P crying at her class room door. DAMN this parenting thing is hard!!

So since P was struggling I thought I would. Makes sense right?

I felt helpless. I felt like a terrible mom, letting your daughter just cry it out with strangers. School is a tough cookie. I (obviously) know she needs to go, but it's a heart breaker!

So I went for a run.

I wanted to go get a huge bag of potato chips and devour those, but I went for a run instead. (plus I don't eat that because I will feel like crap!)

I was so happy my new haircut was still able to go into a pony, phew!

I really HATE this portion of the rail trail. But It's a solid 6 miles, and I needed to run it to get my planned  9 miles in. But I hate it because it's long and boring and always hotter then the rest of the RT. UGH. But I did it and I tried to smile doing so. 

I kept telling myself, P was having a bad day, the least I could do was push myself in a run. 

I felt accomplished (and hungry) when done, but that was mainly because I wasn't planning on a longer run, I didn't bring water or a snack.  I did slow down and walk a few times, I used the bathroom and got a drink (at the only drinking they need like 20 more of those, or I need to be more conscious and bring my hand held). 

-What is your motivation?!

Wednesday whatnot's #11

 Whatnot's are just a tidbit of things happening that don't have enough body to write a full blog on.

Time for a haircut!! I have been holding off cutting my hair until after the Ultra. But since no Ultra no need to keep the locks to long. So... so long locks! :)



I found this sorbet, it's AHmazing!

My definition of a lovely and magazine. Esp a new Runner's world mag!!

P gave me a manicure: 

I'm sure everyone looks like this when they leave the house, holding a can of hair spray, faux fanny pack, butt sweat towel...ext :) I needed to make sure my hair would hold up for my run post hair cut. 

This blister is non forgiving. It's just getting bigger!! 

*What are your whatnot's?!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

the first day: how is that spent

This morning I held myself together while getting P ready for her first day of kindergarten!!

Such a big girl! I held myself together until the hubs and I got home and I started to ball. About what you might ask, about the fact that she is so little to be a school all day. I mean, all day..really? I would have paid anything to be a fly on the wall and watch her all day. 

I told the hubs, we should get P a gopro so I can see her whole day! 

So what do I do with myself. I go for a run...

I am trying to get a run in before the rain starts up. (I had to cut my  first day of school picture taking short this morning do to the storm we were having..not cool mother nature). 

I was off..and running.  I tried a braid in my ponytail.  And apparently a lot of side head tilting.  

And I got rained on.

I came home, rolled and stretched. Then I showered, for the second time. Then I grabbed a smoothie. 

I did some light housework, and laundry and just really tried to occupy my time. 

Then I allowed myself to relax for 1 hr while I watched the new season of Ladies of London (Bravo) and wrote my blog. 

Tomorrow I have a much need haircut scheduled! SO EXCITED!!