Saturday, September 12, 2015

two years ago it was a 5k today it was a half marathon!

Above sentence says it all. 2 years ago I ran my first 5k. It was the reason I started to run. In June of 2013 I was bored with my workout routine and needed the rest of the baby weight gone! (my baby was 3 yrs old).  I ran my race and it was the hardest thing I had ever done, beside giving birth, of course.

Today on the anniversary of my first 5k and also on the day the race is held in the downtown area I decided I would run my first half marathon. I didn't sign up for the race because to be quit honest I didn't want to pay to run. I had wasted my entry fee on the Ultra and felt selfish spending more money. So I mapped out a 13.1 mile route on the RT.

Pre "race" smiles. It was cold in Mi this morning. like 42* cold. I wore a running skirt, compression socks, a tank top under a long sleeve tech shirt. I brought gloves, but did't end up wearing them. I listened to Ginger Runner live from mile 1-10. Then switched to music from 10-13.1.

I saw these clouds rolling in and got worried because there was no rain in the forecast. 

Then I got rained on, three times to be exact.

My run felt good. It felt really good from miles 1-10. But my turn around to finish 10-13.1 was brutal. I was running on empty. I ate dried mango's at mile 7. Then at mile 10 I tried an applesauce (squeeze pack). But I could not get my energy level up! Then my left groin began to really scream. This area has been bugging me for a week or so but I haven't put much time or thought into. But's all I could think of. 

I didn't take an after photo, but got this beauty. 

I came home to an eerily quiet house. I said hello twice with no answer. I walked in and saw both P and the hubs in the bathroom, P was head deep in the potty and the hubs was holding her hair. She'd been sick at least once since I'd left at 7:00 am. (where she was perfectly healthy, except for a sore throat). Oh boy!

I felt terrible because still with no energy I could not form a thought of what I should do. The nice thing is the hubs is totally capable of taking care of P when she is sick, with me working every other weekend he's had to step in more than once. (what a guy!)

I took a hot shower, because I was chilled to the bone. When I came out P was on the sofa, seeming more content. 

I rolled and stretched and grabbed a cup of coffee. my main area of soreness was my left groin. 

P wanted some orange juice (and timbits which I think she thought she would like eventually)  so I went to the store, on my way out the hubs mentioned he would love some beer. Gotta make everyone happy. 

P fell asleep and I started an ice bath

I made it calf deep and it's all I could bare. After being so cold outside, I just couldn't. I knew it would be super beneficial but it just wasn't happening. 

So I put on another sweatshirt and took a nap with my little girl on the sofa. 

Overall, SUPER proud of myself with my longest distance to date :) 

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