Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday whatnot's #5

 If someone asked me, what is your most favorite shirt, I wouldn't hesitate to say my Boston Strong shirt!! I wear it pretty much once a week. :) :

Blueberry is P's fish. And this might sound odd but he is such a social fish! Whenever anyone goes in to her room, he gets all excited. I'm sure it's just because he thinks he'll be fed, but I find it adorable!:

She bought this Elas doll with her own money! She was so proud of herself. She's been helping around the house and doing chores to earn money. I love that she is getting the concept of money/earning :) :

Second time around reading it, and it's even more inspiring, if that's even possible! :) :

These flowers are outside my mom's cabin, beautiful! :

Just lovin' herself some cabin life!:) :

I forgot to pack a breakfast for myself, and when you are GF most people can't really help you out. So I got creative this morning with cut up apples/bananas and peanut butter :) :

This little kitty was very excited her people were home, couldn't even get a good picture because she was rubbing and meowing so much :) love a charlie cat!

*What are your Wednesday whatnot's? (ie randoms from your day)

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