Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday's happenings

Kindergarten is still not going well.

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best: as my mother-in-law has been asking) today's drop off was a 1. Like a leave her crying in her class line bad. It's just bad.

According to the teacher she is just fine. No crying during the day. She is happy, playful and a joy to have in class. Tell me something I don't know. I want to figure out why I am leaving an emotional wreck when I leave. :( ugh.

So I did my Friday normal, ie grocery shopping. I had to later return to the store because my NUUN tabs were no where to be found and I am running 13.1 miles tomorrow, so yeah I'm gunna need those :)

After dropping of groceries I went for a walk. I did an easy 3 mile walk. That is 1) because of tomorrow's said 13.1 miles and 2) yesterday's hard workout of 1 hr on the elliptical and then a brisk 5 mile walk, I am sore today! Last night my hips were killing me. So I took it easy, I'm proud of myself that I still made it out the door and onto the rail trail.
p.s sorry for how tired and rough looking I appear, crying because your kid is crying will do that :(
p.p.s it's high 50*'s today hence the light jacket.

I got this flag because it seemed appropriate for today. Can't believe it's been 14 years. 

When I was back home from my walk I stretched. These are such great stretches. Love when I can really feel it working. Plus I've been stretching my toes, the area from toes to foot feels soooo good to stretch. I usually do it in the shower, feels extra good in warm water I guess :)

Maybe this should be my new work space, a girl can wish.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. My weekend will consist of a TON of family time and 13.1 miles! :) 

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