Wednesday, March 25, 2015

horsing around

So after my disappointing run Monday, I was bummed and I'll admit it. There is something so fantastically frustrating and amazing about running. I feel like I run into those two emotions as I am running. I was never a runner. This only began a few years ago but I truly wish it was part of my past. I rode horses my whole entire life until I was 26 (I got thrown from my last horse at a show and hyper-extended ALL the ligaments in my left knee **my knee with the ITBS** and I've never rode another horse again. The rehab was long and then I got married and pregnant and once you get to a certain age the fear of hurting yourself takes over the joy, which totally happened to me). Literally from 2 years old to 26. It was who I was, and I didn't mind that. Riding can be strenuous and hard to do. Yes you can ride a horse and be overweight, no question. But Most people are knee deep in manure, cleaning stall, washing horses, cleaning and hauling tack besides riding probably 5-7 days a weeks. Which is a fierce workout in it's self.

Riding is a lot like running and I've compared them before in the past. Riding/showing is an individual sport. Riders, much like runners will go out for a ride after a long tiring day when most people just go home and put their feet up. You get what you put into it. If you don't ride or train your horse, you will probably not do your best. Same with training and conditioning. You are out there in the ring by yourself, kinda like a trail or road race. (I'm speaking from experience I'm usually alone in the middle of the herd). People, especially women, can be mean in this sport. You are out for yourself and yourself only. You want the best equipment and the best tack. Much like shoes, socks, and clothes.

Now there are differences in running and riding.  Since I've ran a few dozen road races I notice people are different in the sense they are usually pretty cheerful even at 7*F at 7:30 am.  People waiting in line to use the bathroom before a show are not friendly. I usually kept to myself, and who knows maybe everyone else was doing the same and it came off bitchy. Or they were just bitchy.  You keep to yourself between classes. Unlike runners who are drawn to each other. We cheer other runners on, even if you don't know them from Adam. Showing you usually don't do that. It's only the people you know getting your support.

Running can be social or non-social. I prefer non-social. I like my time. I like sometimes not talking. With a 4.5 year old she wants the whole world explained to her all day long. Which is fine, it's my job/joy to explain things and make them fun for her. I do a lot of talking at work. I orchestrate a surgical area and have to always tell people what I or the patient needs next.  It can be exhausting.

So I guess in a way after selling my last horse at 27 (even though I stopped riding I still owned Ranger) and 8 months pregnant (me not the horse) I have transitioned into a similar sport. Huh?! kinda makes me smile when I think about it :) Frustrating though, because I can't blame the 1200 lbs horse under me anymore. It's just me and the rode or trail or treadmill now. And one day running will love me as much as I love it. (damn it)!

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