Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Darn Old Knee!

So after deciding on the 50k in September I thought I should get up to the gym and get a good run in. Well 3 miles into my run I remembered I have a pesky old problem, runners knee! I've been nursing it for almost a year now!! It will actually be a year in March. It crept up about 1 week after my one and only 8k, and I just haven't gotten a handle on it. I did 3-4 months of rest, strength training on the bike and elliptical. I did squats and leg press or donkey kicks to strengthen my glutes and thighs. From what I read that was where I needed to focus, so I did. Then I'd try to run with no luck, no relief from pain. I tried tapping my knee and when that didn't help. I stopped running again. This summer I did sprints with my daughter while out on the rail trail and that didn't seem to bother my knee. But when I did distance it would flare up. So I took up biking this summer and actually contemplated a triathlon. I thought about it and actually looked into one near where I live. But I kinda never got excited about it, like I am for my 50k! (whoot whoot!!)
So back to my knee. This last issue of Runner World Magazine has a whole article about strengthening knee's. Its in 4 phases so a total 4 month, but it never says to stop running which is interesting. Well I am currently on day 3 of phase 1. I use a resistance band and I am building strength in my hips. So I am hoping it works. The Dr they interviewed in the article said he has all his runners start these exercises before they are even seen and most don't need to be seen. So I am hopeful!! 93% have no knee pain after these phases. I am really hoping I am not the 7% that still does!! haha Nope I am going to think positively. :)

Today I ran 2.5 mile and walked 1.5 miles making it a total of 4 miles on the treadmill. Knee pain started around mile 2.0. But I am only 3 days into the resistance training, so fingers crossed!  

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