Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monday mornings coming quick

So with my job I have the worlds most unique schedule. I work tues,weds,thurs, sat and sunday and then I'm off for 8 days until the next tues I work. Its pretty crazy, I know, but pretty amazing all at the same time. This schedule works really great for me and my family. And working at a 7 day a week clinic we see only urgent (non routine) appointments on saturday and sunday. It's Urgent care so you never know what's coming through those doors. Which is pretty fantastic in my opinion.
I do find the Mondays after working the weekend to be hard to gather motivation. I have recently started putting my cell phone across the room so I can't snooze for an hour. And once I'm up I'm usually good. :)
This  up coming week is my week off. I plan on a 6 day workout week with running at least 3 of those days. I am still doing my resistance training, but I will admit I did miss it last night. It was over a 12 hour day filled with everything including a 3 hour surgery. Needless to say I was beat!
So here's to a great workout week on a non work week!!

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