Thursday, February 26, 2015

plants and veggies and dyes oh my!

The last few days I have been reading up on Ultra running. I am one of those people that need to read up on things to get a handle on them. And nothing (in my opinion) is better than a good old book. I don't have a kindle and I rarely read on the computer. I am obsessed with magazines though. ( They are truly my vice in the world and rice crispy treats, lol)
I am currently reading "Eat & Run" by Scott Jurek. (See here). I am loving this book for a few reasons:

  • He is an ordinary person for a regular upbringing
  • He started with a different athletic outlets (skiing) not running
  • He recognized the good in plant based diets but still was human and would slip up and eat McDonald's.
  • He gives you recipes in his book 
I like when people are real. He is an amazing ultra runner and he figured things out on his own. Its a pretty cool adventure to read. Highly recommend. :)

I actually tried to go without meat yesterday, just curious how running would go this morning. Yesterday was my rest day, but I still got all my steps in. (I stood and walked in place for most of the Wendy Williams shows while P listened and sang to "Let it go" on the computer).
Surprisingly I was a vegetarian from the age of 12 - 25! Crazy right?! I started eating meat when I was 26 after I got pregnant so I've been doing it for 6 years. I wanted to make sure I was getting all I needed when I was pregnant for P. I was not a good vegetarian, I didn't really like veggies. I ate a lot of crap to be completely honest. I would say I have a pretty good diet now. The reason for that is I uncovered A LOT of food allergies. They consist of eggs, shellfish, artificial flavors (dyes mainly) and a gluten sensitivity. Its made me really have to choose wisely when I eat. It's just like any other allergy, as you get reactions they get worse each time. When I accidentally eat something I shouldn't (usually at restaurants) I get a headache within 30 mins after eating which then will lead to a migraine with nausea and vomiting. I'm usually laid up for 24 hrs! Life it too short for that crap!!
But I'm interested in this plant based diet Scott recommends. I'm going to play a little bit with it in my daily life.
So this morning I only ran 2 miles but walked 3.5 on a incline. My knee started hurting earlier than it had this week, (frustrating!) Resistance band training still in full effect. Fingers crossed!!

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