Sunday, August 2, 2015

10 miles on a Sunday morning...not bad...not bad at all.

I thought 10 sounded like a good number to shoot for this morning.

I went out early in the morning to get my run done before the heat really hit. (Today's high 85*). It was luckily a cool and crisp 60* this morning, just right for a long run. I had my water bottle filled and my legs felt fresh. Beautiful setting:

My run was going along swimmingly. I had a great rhythm and a beautiful back drop:

That was until...I needed to stop for a pit stop!! I've never been a runner that needed to stop but today I was that runner. I had to figure out how I could get myself to the closest bathroom, immediately! I looped back around which wasn't in my 10 mile plan, but honestly who cared at that point. I ran quickly by the same skunk I saw yesterday, he positioned to spray me again...oh goodness not now! This trail never looked so long!

But at the end of this trail there are these wonderful bathrooms, that I was pretty sure were unlocked at 7:00 am. Perfect it was 6:52, I'm golden, or so I thought! I literally ran up to the bathroom and...locked! Why the hell would bathrooms not be open at 7:00 am on a Sunday?! Do the park people know there are a ton of people running and in need of restrooms at 7:00 am!? OMG!! There was however a potta potty. Fabulous. I'll spare you the details. They are not good but I survived. And felt much better after! (I blame the greasy chips I indulged on last night, I don't usually eat chips and I wont again!).

Me post emergency pit stop and then putting my hair in a very sweaty bun.: so sweaty... an still confused about the restrooms. 

I was only at mile 5 and still had double digits in my sights so I headed the other way on the RT:

This path only lasted about 2 miles because I was being swarmed by bugs that were biting me. They weren't mosquitoes they were some sorta fly/hornet mongrel! This run it turning out what I was thinking. 

I then ran some of the same path I'd already ran. 8 miles came up right as I went by the parking lot where my jeep with AC was sitting. Should I stop???!! NOPE! I've been letting myself off WAY TOO EASY lately and have a tendency to not finish goals. I said 10, 10 it is!! 

And boy was I glad I did it :)

Please ignore the min/miles, I didn't stop my watch when I took my pit stop:

I do feel extra sore. I don't know the reason. BUT my knee feels great! Silver lining!! New shoes..I've had mine since early April so maybe about 300 miles on them. Too early for new?

*Anyone have a disastrous run before? How did you recover?  
*When do you get new shoes?



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