Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday's just how I like 'em!

This morning I wanted to run 8 miles before getting ready and going into work. I accidentally turned off my alarm and then had to modify my run because of the time I had to work with. (5 miles would do)

My pre-run smile:

The morning air was so crisp and beautiful! 

I have been having some major runners walls lately. I can easily talk myself out of a lot of things. Lately I have been wanting to walk a lot when I am running. I'll be getting tired and instead of pumping myself up, I give myself an out to walk. It kinda stinks and I need to really get more motivated. I need to be more confident. And I need to realize that I can do it, because I've done it in the past. 

*Confession time: Friday, P and I went to lunch at Panera (first time, and totally awesome!) but none the less, I got a delicious salad and asked for an apple instead of the baguette that comes with it. When I picked up our meals I saw the bread and I should have pointed it out and got my apple. I gave the baguette to P and she had a few bites and asked me to take it home with us. After running a few more errands that included yogurt yeti with my sister and nephew and an hour and a half at the park, we arrived back home with the baguette in tow. I smelled the bread, mistake #1!, then I took a bite...mistake #2. Then I ate the whole thing!! I knew it's not going to be a good outcome with this baguette, but I did it anyway, no self control! Oh and I am paying for it. I realized today when I have those kind of slip ups it really effects me all the way around. My body has to digest foods that it can't digest very well (gluten) that makes more blood supply to my intestines which takes it from the rest of my body when I am trying to get my run on! These are the issues I am talking about! huge repercussions!! Lesson learned. 

Hello will power, I will see you now! 

Post run:

I tried to push a bit harder, even though I REALLY didn't want to: (4 minutes quicker than my last 5 miles)

My hands got crazy swollen:

Post run stretching out the quads. I always do at least this stretch in the parking lot when I am done running:

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 

*How do you talk yourself through/over/under the wall when running?


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