Sunday, April 12, 2015

5 mile's in 5 month's

Please be aware before reading this I am giddy! Like totally out of my mind giddy over today's events!!

Proceed... if you can handle:

This morning it was a gorgeous day, one that just calls runners out for a run. I answered. And my knee answered big time! I went out to the rail trail, since I am still ironing out my knee I stayed off the trails. The rail trail was wonderful, beautiful, peaceful.

I started my run in the hopes of doing 4 miles. 4 Miles was my goal and I told myself anything over I would be ecstatic. As I was going, I was hitting a wall early on, like mile 2 I wanted to quite and go home and eat. (I was starving for some reason, I think it was more thirst because I ate popcorn before going to bed ((while watching desert runners,my love)) so I think the pang's were thirst). Any who, I pushed through and I can't explain how GLAD I am that I did.

Friday I reached 3.55 before I stopped. I ran past that with no problem this morning. I reached 4.0 miles with a smile, then 4.33 (holy crap) then 4.85 (gees of petes) Then 5.0 I was still going :) I ended at 5.25!! 5.25 miles I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES! I had some pressure around my knee, but NO NO NO pain! This is amazing. I even did the super fast and hard claps at myself when I slowed down to walk to my car. (I was that person but no one was around, and honestly I didn't care!!!!!) LOL

I then went home and literally could not wait to see my family. P met me at the door (because she wanted help putting a princess dress on) but none the less. I said " guess how many miles mama ran?" she pondered the questions and before she could say anything I answered " 5.25 miles!" she asked " did your knee hurt?!" I said "NO!" and we both danced around :) I couldn't ask for a more supportive little girl.

I then busted into the bathroom where the hubs was just stepping out of the shower and announced I RAN 5.25 MILES! He too was very excited, congratulating me :) Then asking me to please leave the bathroom so he could dry off.

I used the foam roller then I took a hot shower and ate a sweet potato with shredded chicken and bbq sauce, spinach salad and tomatoes with a little italian dressing and a pear.  I tried coconut water, but it was gross. I drank 1 L of water and then we were off for our day with my sister in law who is in town from MA.

Throughout the day I felt great! I usually feel kinda terrible after a longer run, but I think since my diet has changed my recovery has changed. I feel awesome!

What a fantastic run!! Today marks 5 months until my Ultra on September 12th :)!!

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