Monday, April 20, 2015


I'm very much in love with Marathon Monday. It might be an odd thing to love, but I am proud of it. I send text messages out saying " Happy Marathon Monday!" Well okay only to my sister-in-law who lives in MA so it's not much of a surprise to her that her running loving sister-in-law in fact loves Marathon Monday! lol

I was so excited to watch this year!! ( like I am every year). I planned my workout around what would be best for me to have undivided attention to my lap top. I figured my usual morning workout would be best suited as a treadmill run. So my plan as according went something like this : 5:00 am workout 5.5 miles on the treadmill (5.0 running)which took me 75 mins total. I set my pace for 13.5 mph on the treadmill. I do  tend to run faster when on the rail trail or trails. It's usually closer to 12.5 mph. Anywho, I did have minor knee pain which bummed me out. I was almost 2 weeks out without knee pain and then today happened. I'm going to increases my strength this week and give it another go maybe...Friday? I was thinking Wednesday in my original plan but that was before knee pain crept in. Which I might add may just be because I was on the treadmill which my knee doesn't like. I ran the 5.25 a week a go Sunday on the rail trail with no problem. My problem maybe TM related. I'll keep you posted on that one.

So once home, stretching ensued as well as resistance and foam rolling. A shower and some laundry. Then P off to school. The moment I got back home I was immediately onto the live stream of the 119th Boston Marathon!! I got on 5 minutes before the elite women started. I was tearing up. I don't know if this emotional reaction I have to the Boston Marathon is normal or not. But I do it....every year.

My area for the race. I feel more engaged on the floor, I don't know why. I've got a fresh cup of coffee (always in a travel cup, this started when P was little and I was nervous about it tipping over or her getting burned, now it's a habit) and you can't see the tissues which are next to my lap top. 

I was compelled to buy a "boston strong" t-shirt while watching the race. I realized P and the hubs have one, so I too needed one. :) happy girl! 

I was so impressed watching all the competitors!! Truly amazing!! And to see so many American's kicking butt made me smile extra big. The finish with the women was intense!! How does anyone run that fast!!! SERIOUSLY!?!? Just awesome.

I hope everyone got to enjoy Boston one way or another today! I know I did!! 

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